Prayer for Afghanistan

“The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.” So said James, the brother of Jesus. We may not fully comprehend how prayer works yet when we are encouraged as clearly as in James 5:16, ought we not drop to our knees and seek the God of the universe in prayer?

The tragedy of human sinfulness is on full display in all who are afraid for their lives in Afghanistan. In moments like these, when we feel powerless to help those who are suffering so far away, we need to remember that our prayers are “powerful and effective.” We need to remember that we serve a God who is “not far from those who are in trouble, broken-hearted, and crushed.” (Psalm 34:18) We need to remember that God indeed “hears our prayers and works on behalf of the needy.” (1 Peter 3:12) We need to remember that “though there be trouble in the world, Christ has overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

As Archbishop Beach has called us, “let's pray together as one body for the people of Afghanistan, those Afghanis and Americans seeking safe passage out of the country, and those on the ground continuing to help. Pray for wisdom for leaders at all levels who face very difficult decisions. Pray for the ever-growing underground Church in Afghanistan. Even more, pray that all Afghanis, especially those in power, are met by the Holy Spirit and come to personally know the risen Christ.”

May the God of hope fill you with strength and courage as you seek him in fervent prayer on behalf of all these who suffer. Remember, your prayers our powerful and effective.

Yours in Christ

PS>> Let’s get to know each other! If you want to connect with me, call or email the office to get on my calendar! (843.889.2820)

To read the Archbishop's call and to learn more about how you can help, find the story and link here.


Becoming a Curse.


Words from Our Rector