Formation Group Series: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Unseen Enemy

We all can become blind to areas of spiritual bondage—and used to it.

We are all being formed one way or another. We all worship someone or something. We are either being formed unto Christ, or to something else. There is no neutral ground. I know that as I reflect on my life, I recognize how God has released me from bondage and brought me into alignment with Him. He has truly brought me from death to life. This should be expected, that as we follow Jesus, we will come to know and align with Him, and throw down our idols. Life with God is about oneness with God. We respond to the reality that we are all prone to areas of blindness, blindness that brings harm to ourselves and others, by seeking awareness with the help of the Holy Spirit and the body of Christ. For, “we were not made for bondage to any force besides the love of Christ.”

If deception, division, and depersonalization are hallmarks of the powers, righteousness (often looking like truth telling, unity, and affirming the sacredness of each person) is one of the redemptive strategies of God.

While the powers seek to deceive, divide, and depersonalize, God calls us to embrace the truth, strive for unity, and remember the dignity and story of every human being. We’ve all heard the saying “you can’t fight fire with fire.” As individuals, and as the body of Christ, we are called to respond in a different way. Jesus often responded in surprising ways, ways that were counter cultural and even offensive to some, and were in direct opposition to the ways of the possessed powers of this world. I’m often blown away by the time and resources Jesus spent to connect one on one with people who sought him or were in need. This man came to save the world, yet he spent time with those who were considered to be the lowest in society, those who had absolutely nothing to offer him in return. This often baffled his followers, because they would have done it differently. I know I would have. Yet, as we are formed in Christ, seeking and welcoming the Holy Spirit, His ways become ours, and we are set free from the powers of this world, as we become hosts to the greatest force of all, the love of God.

The powers are defeated through the sacrificial love of God. That was true on the cross. It is true for us.

Jesus, through His loving sacrifice, has disarmed the powers of this world. That is not to say that we do not face opposition, but the Spirit of God that dwells within us is willing and able and strong. Ultimately, Jesus has won the day. It is our call to grow in our life with God, and to learn to respond and serve with the same love that Christ first loved us.


How has reading this chapter inspired your understanding of the powers and principalities?

How might operating in God’s love look different than operating in alignment with the powers? Perhaps share an encouraging example of someone overcoming the powers by responding in alignment with God’s love.

What does it mean to see people as sacred creations of God? Has someone ever listened to and acknowledged the dignity of your story in a way that was meaningful to you?

We are called to align ourselves with the love of God not only as individuals, but to oppose the powers and seek alignment with the love of God outwardly in our community and world as well. What are some ways that we can resist the powers and usher in the love of God outside of our individual walk with God?

“We resist the powers by choosing peaceful, nonviolent resistance to their dominion—a peace that is active, not merely passive.”

Bible Passage for Meditation

You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

Though he was God,
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.

Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
    he took the humble position of a slave
    and was born as a human being.

When he appeared in human form,

    he humbled himself in obedience to God
    and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
    and gave him the name above all other names,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:5-11


Formation Group Series: Chapter 3


Formation Group Series: Introduction & Chapter 1